Shipping Policy
We know you like to get your parcels fast!
Within Australia, we deliver all our orders to you via local freight services, providing value for money and reliable delivery.
If orders are received before 11am EST* on a business day, it will be sent that day. We aim to have the order to you as quickly as possible.
We charge rates based on weight that include postage and handling. For example Fresh Kustoms drop plate kit delivered within Australia is $35 (correct at 15 Feb 2023). Larger orders will be priced according to size and weight.
Damage or loss in transit is rare however if it happens we will take responsibility for it. Please call us to organise the return of damage goods or to report that a parcel has not arrived within the above timeframes.
International Postage – if you are a customer not living in Australia, we can deliver your products to you. You will pay a rate based on weight and volume and your shipment will be sent airfreight with a reputable carrier. It will be your responsibility to pay any input duty or sales tax within your own country. We will not charge you Australian goods and services tax.
Out of Stocks – we update our sites product availability multiple times a day however in some very rare instances another customer may have selected to purchase the same item as you at the same time. If this happens, we will notify you within one business day that we will not be able to deliver the goods in the usual delivery period. If it is an item that we cannot re-order – we will give you a refund immediately; if it is an item we can re-order – we will inform you of the new delivery time frame and give you the choice of waiting or receiving a refund.
*EST – Australian Eastern Standard Time
Security & Privacy
Secure online payment You are protected while buying online at Fresh Kustoms. Our online merchant is Paypal, a company that uses the highest encryption standards and Paypal will never share your financial details with vendors. We aim to make your online shopping experience safe by eliminating the risk of customers’ financial information being accessed by any third-party. Fresh Kustoms is dedicated to keeping your details private. Any information that we collect in relation to you is kept strictly secured. We only use this information to identify your orders, provide you with a personalised shopping experience with us. That is all. We do not pass on/sell/swap any of your personal details with anyone.
Return Policy
How do I return products to Fresh Kustoms? If you wish to return an item please contact customer service to complete a return form. We ask you to print, fill out and return with any items that have been incorrectly ordered or supplied. This sheet clearly outlines the process for returning, including the return address and how to nominate for a credit vs return vs exchange. The return postage is your responsibility however we will pay for the postage to you when a replacement product is requested. We obviously ask that the product has not been damaged, drilled, all bolts and items related to the products are returned also. Please take care to protect the product when posting. If concerned, please return goods via registered mail to ensure their safety as we do not take responsibility for goods lost in transit. What if a product is faulty? We take great pride in our goods and packaging so we certainly hope that you never receive a faulty product from us. If, on the rare occasion, this does occur please contact customer service to let us know and we can either send out a post bag for you to return the product in or refund your postage when the parcel arrives. If available you can request a replacement or refund for the product.